We are home from the NICU now. Samantha spent eight days in there. What sent her there is she had stopped breathing in my room. We were both resting. She in her crib next to my bed. The lady that does the hearing test came in to test her hearing and found her unresponsive. She was gagging and not breathing. I didn't hear her gagging. She wasn't making a sound. I looked over, and her face was blue. She pushed the emergency button. A nurse came running in and started working on Samantha. She wasn't able to get her breathing so she called in another nurse. There ended up being several nurses in the room with lots of yelling. I sat in the bed with my face buried in my hands thinking I was losing my baby because they couldn't get her to breathe. But thank goodness, they finally did.
They don't know what caused this to happen. It has not happened again. They think it's possible she was choking on phlegm, that babies have a lot of mucous when they are new. Another theory was that there was fluid in her lungs because she was born so quickly that it didn't get all squeezed out. Anyway, they took her to NICU for observation. She was found to have jaundice while there. She missed a feeding and her blood sugar levels dropped. One particular day her breathing was too fast and they were concerned if she ate she would aspirate; so they fed her through IV or a tube. They ran lots of other tests to check for different things, one being an echocardiogram to check the condition of her heart. She was having trouble nursing; so I was nursing and pumping round the clock and spent hours with lactation consultants. All of the hard work paid off for she is now nursing beautifully at home, and all of the pumping kept me from losing my milk supply.
She is currently stable, but she still needs your prayers. She was diagnosed to have down syndrome. I have been grieving something terrible. This was such a shock to our family. I have been a ball of nerves, so anxious, hardly sleeping. I need prayer for peace and that I can meet the needs of my sweet baby as well as all of my other children, including being able to keep up my housekeeping and homeschooling the children. Please also pray that Samantha will not develop any health issues and be in and out of doctor's offices and surgeries, and that God would bless her with a high IQ and a strong body, that she would be able to lead a normal life and develop normally, meeting the milestones at the same rate as other babies and that she would have good speech. I would also ask you to join me in praying for a miracle healing for her, that God would miraculously bring her chromosomes in balance with the proper number and that he would basically take her down syndrome away. I know this is a tall order, but nothing is too hard for God, and he still does miracles; so why not my little one? I need some true prayer warriors that would continually lift Samantha and our family up in prayer. Do you believe that God still performs miracles? Can you stand in the gap for Samantha and believe God for a miracle for her? If you can commit to do this for and with us, maybe even a specific day and time each week or day, please let me know so that I can be encouraged that there are people out there praying.
As you probably know, we are a one-income family with six children.We do not qualify for government assistance to help us with the various therapies and doctors' appointments that Samantha will need, nor do we have insurance to cover these expenses. I have placed a secure Paypal donation button below if you would like to help us ensure that sweet baby Samantha gets the best of care. Thank you so much and may God bless you.
Too much fighting
Every Wednesday morning, I drag myself out of bed a little before 6 AM to
meet with a handful of patients and friends for a journey through the
Bible. A...
God Bless your beautiful family. Samantha is gorgeous and so glad to hear that she is stable xx
ReplyDeleteOh - and you will all be in my prayers x
ReplyDeleteIsten áldjon meg benneteket .......
ReplyDeleteI will be praying for you and all your family.
ReplyDeleteOmg I'll pry for you and your dear little Samantha.
ReplyDeleteI have been praying and will continue. Have you ever read Kelle Hampton's blog? She has a DS daughter and the story of her birth is phenomenal, inspiring and very honest.
Oh my dear! I've just said a prayer for you, your sweet baby and family and will continue to do so every day.
ReplyDeleteGod doesn't make mistakes when he creates! I've been praying for you everyday and will continue to do so. She is beautiful!! She has a huge family to love her!
ReplyDeleteSaying a prayer for Baby Samantha right now.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad your baby is out of the hospital! My thoughts are with you and your family!!
ReplyDeleteo Senhor só dar crianças especiais a pais especiais,estarei orando,Deus fará um mover.Deus te abençoe.sl 46 Gesie > Brasil Recife.
ReplyDeleteYour baby girl is beautiful...I will keep Samantha,you and your dear family in my thoughts.
ReplyDelete(having trouble with comments today, had to post comment twice)
What a sweet and beautiful baby! Blessings and Peace be with you! I'm praying for you!
ReplyDeletePraying for the Callans and the beautiful gift God has given you, Samantha! When John was small and going through so many things, Brother Bo from Encourager came to me and said, "Don't you know that God gave him to you for you to enjoy? So just enjoy him." It was one of the best pieces of advice anyone had given me. And I will agree with you for Samantha's health! Jeanne Colvin
ReplyDeleteGod Bless you and your family
ReplyDeletekeep the faith!
Praying for you and your family. May God's grace surround you all. Take each moment as it comes. So glad to hear that Samantha is home and stable.
ReplyDeleteI'm praying for sweet Samantha, for you, and for your family.
ReplyDeleteYou have received such a special gift from God. He chose for this sweet baby to be with you and your family. He knew that would be the perfect place for her to be to receive all the love and care she needs. What a blessing to your family!
ReplyDeleteI have prayed and will continue to pray that she continues to do well. I strongly believe in the power of prayer..and yes, God still performs miracles!
I have been praying for you and your little girl. I will continue to do so.
ReplyDeleteYour baby is just beautiful , I love her name :-)) I will keep you all in my prayers x
ReplyDeletePraying for you and Samantha and the whole gang Trudy. We are here to help and I"m excited to get to love on this special little girl!!
ReplyDeleteI, too, have been praying for Samantha and your family, Trudy. I cannot imagine what it must have been like for you to have been there while they were working on your precious little one.
ReplyDeleteI am sure that God saw the love within your family and chose her to be placed right where she is for a reason. She is definitely an angel in your life. My prayers will continue and we know that all is possible through God.
I am praying for you and family. God is our helper and healer, for sure
ReplyDeletewhat a beautiful baby she has been sent as a gift to your family as you are a strong and stable family that can help her in life and achieve everything in life at her own pace..glad she has pulled through the trauma..sending prayers that she still has good health and I have met some lovely Downs syndrome adults who share such a happy attitude to life...God bless
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful gift you and your family have been given to love and cherish, I think she will learn to love and cherish each and every one of you too as time goes on! My prayers for all of you to find find joy in every day.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for your beautiful baby. A big hug. Ana
ReplyDeleteWhat sweet pics of my precious niece & the entire family! I am continuing to pray for all these things Trudy. Yes, there is power in prayer. I love you all & pray for you daily. I will try & come for a visit soon when I am all well. I love you all so much!!! Your Sis, Lisa
ReplyDeleteI am praying Trudy. I am so sorry that you have such a difficult situation to deal with. I pray for healing and restoration, for peace and joy, for love that is so beyond what you have ever experienced before with the creator of the universe, and for blessings to be overflowing out of your cup and the cups of your dear family!
ReplyDeleteIn Jesus Name,
Love: Dede
You and Samantha have been in my prayers daily. Will continue to pray. Sending love and tears and hugs.
ReplyDeleteSamantha is so beautiful. I love that hair. You have such a lovely family and you seem to be such a wonderful mother. I will pray for you and your family as you all adjust to this sweet little one and all that she will bring to your family.
ReplyDeleteI am praying for you and your blessed family Trudy. Samantha looks so sweet and wonderful to hold. May God give you peace, and strength, and may you see miracles according to His gracious and loving will! When I found out my first child was deaf, I grieved for a long time. I had many questions for the Lord, and in time, He answered them well. The experience changed my outlook on life for the better, and I knew my Redeemer even more.
ReplyDeleteI know you must be grieving and feeling overwhelmed and helpless, but look at those photos of your smiling children and husband... Little Samantha has the most helpful thing on earth: love. Your love and nurturing will make and keep her healthy, and the love of your family (and friends and church) will help give you strength when you need it most.
ReplyDeleteThink of all the children in the world who don't have that love to save them....she is a very lucky little girl for that :)
I pray from Hungary for you and your family!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Trudy on your new addition from God. She is beautiful! I wouldn't be who I am today without our "special" blessing. Hugs and prayers for all of you.
Trudy, she's precious! I will surely be praying for her and your family.
ReplyDeleteTrudy, you and Samantha have been in my thoughts a lot and I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. I'm so sad to read here about your pain and anxiety, and I am sending you loving supportive prayers. Please accept this virtual hug from me instead of a real one!
ReplyDeleteAnd I do think that you are a loving nurturing mother who is enormously capable, with incredible reserves of strength inside you, but it may be helpful for you to have some advice from other mothers in a similar situation to yourself...
Maybe there is a support group in your area that you can meet with?
Love from, Carolyn
Trudy, I am and will continue to pray for Samantha. What a joy and a blessing new birth brings. Your newest addition is so beautiful. I wish that I were closer, I love working with special needs children. I do believe that if it is the plan, a change will come. Either a rebirth for her or for you and your family. Either way God will prevail as always. I will call today or tomorrow and check on you, but know that my girls and I are adding you to our prayer list today! We will be your warriors.
ReplyDeleteDear trudy...I have been in that situation where I was a Mess ad Jacob had turned blue..there were drs and nurses all around his humidicrib and I was pushed aside..they performed heart massage on him and eventually intibated his swollen airways...you have been through s tricky time and I so believe that we mamas have been given this life because we are amazing!...I believe in miracles as my twins were supposed to have not made it...but they did...I have their story on my blog...when you get a chance maybe you can read it...you haVe been in my thoughts every day and I have been so worried...everything will work out...you will be the strong mama Samantha needs...a big big hug to you.....xxx
ReplyDeleteNow...I love those photos and seriously how beautiful is she and look at the kids with het...proud siblings... they are adorable!...and woe...what hair she has!..my kids were mostly half bald til about three..xxx
ReplyDeleteMy prayers go to your family and Samantha. I am sorry to hear you're having a difficult time, but I really hope for the best
ReplyDeleteHi Trudy, I am from Zimbabwe & I will be praying for u. I hv bn following yr blog & you are just one amazing women Proverb 31:10-31. You are like Sarah and may God grant u all wishes. Children are a gift from God let's ask our Father to take care of the rest. All my love- Elose
ReplyDeleteTrudy, I am very glad to hear that your daughter is fine now. What a horrible experience for both of you.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago, I worked in an education and life skills training centre for children and adults, some of whom had Down syndrome. The young students with Down syndrome--those who had been with the centre since very early childhood--were much more poised, well-spoken, and capable than the older students (some in their 40s and up). I can still remember a girl who was probably 6 or 7 greeting me on my first day with a handshake and very clear speech. She had been at the centre since the toddler age, and it showed.
Have you ever heard about L'Arche communities? (http://www.larcheusa.org/who-we-are/communities/) I thought you and your husband might want to visit one or read about the theory behind the way they operate. I studied them back in the day, and I read a book a couple of years ago that talked about a married couple who live in one of the communities.
You might also want to read about Wolf Wolfensberger's normalization theory. After having studied his theory in school, I attended a lecture of his back in the 70s. My entire approach to working with people with any sort of challenge was forever changed by this man.
Three of the key goals for anyone with any sort of challenge are FREEDOM, DIGNITY, and INDEPENDENCE. Accepting Samantha just as she is (http://www.ndsccenter.org/resources/package1.php), as soon as you can after your grief becomes less acute, and providing early intervention opportunities with the guidance of skilled workers, will help your beautiful daughter to become all that she can be. I can still remember a toddler in a high chair at the centre who blew soap bubbles as part of her speech therapy. She was not yet speaking, but the therapist did not want to miss one minute of that learning window.
The last person I met who had Down syndrome was in grade 10 when I first knew her. When I last saw her, she was getting ready to enter college. She was just as boy-crazy as any other girl her age. She was just as computer-crazy as any other teenager. She was a popular, competent young woman, and I would bet she is leading an independent life by now. She has a Mom like you--intelligent and supportive.
I have known quite a few individuals who have Down syndrome. The individuals who were achieving the highest levels of independence were not necessarily those with the highest IQ. Rather, they were those who had had the benefit of early intervention and specialized training.
Samantha may do as well as Sujeet (http://www.sujeet.com/), Chris (http://www.welcome.to/chrisburke), or Jane (http://www.janecameron.com/about.html). And then again, she might end up being what most of us are--very ordinary.
Samantha is going to bring a lot of plain old kindness into your lives. Although I do not want to be guilty of generalizing, I must say that I have never seen a person with Down syndrome be intentionally nasty. I have seen frustration, but never intentional unkindness.
Samantha's challenge comes wrapped with gifts. I hope you will write about her often and share those gifts as you open them.
Samantha is so beautiful! Glad to hear you both are doing good. Praying for everyone in your beautiful family. :)Shelly
ReplyDeleteTrudy, I have been following your blog for a few months now. You seem to be a strong, intelligent woman. For many years I worked with children who had Down Syndrome. Just want to let you know that they were the most loving, happy, accepting people I have ever met. All of them gave me so much happiness every day. Most of all, each and every one of them taught me more about living a good life than anyone else I have ever known. You have been blessed to have her in your life. In some ways she will be more work than your other children were but what she brings to each member of your family will be wonderful. She is a gorgeous baby and I pray that you and your family will feel peace and joy again soon.
ReplyDeleteO Senhor sempre esteve no comtrole, e Ele ainda permanece o Senhor nao muda minha querida,esta ao seu lado,e como aquela historia que um homem caminhava na praia ao lado de \jesus,estava muito cansado e deixou de ver a outra pegada na areia e perguntou a Ele? Onde ele estava? o Senhor respondeu levava voçe nos meus braços,por isso só tinha uma pegada na areia, é assim que o Senhor ta fazendo agora, preciosa do senhor.
ReplyDeleteFoi de Gesie , Recife Brasil
ReplyDeleteDear Trudy -
ReplyDeleteIt is still early and you have not realized what a gift you have been given. If you did, you would pray a simple prayer of gratitude rather than asking God to change your sweet baby into what you believe is best. Truly, God knows what is best. He designed our children with an extra chromosome to teach us that the things we think are important - appearance, intelligence - are not what He thinks are important. My son Jonny - my 8th child - is 19 now. He cannot read and his speech is not clear. But he has been in 28 plays, has hundreds of facebook friends, and was voted Homecoming King - out of a class of 500 - by his peers last year. He is excited about life and lives it to the fullest. He has taught so many people on the way important things like compassion, acceptance, unconditional love.
His younger sister Maddy was our last birth child and we have since adopted three more boys with Down syndrome who are now 16, 15 and 11. Each one is an individual and like my "normal" kids their abilities run the gamut.
As a mom of many and a writer/teacher, I've always encouraged parents to accept each child as a gift from God, to put away expectations and to instead keep a quiet heart as God unwraps each gift. Samantha will be no different than your other children. Except she will be more inclined to forgive and love unconditionally, to find joy in each moment, and to show a generosity of spirit seldom seen in the "normal" world.
Your family will be changed from this day forward. For the better. People will remark on how kind and compassionate your children are. Teachers will write you notes about how Samantha has changed their lives.
Grieve if you must, but for the sake of Samantha, your husband and all your children, I urge you to put your trust in God's plan for your family and to begin to give Him thanks and praise for the privilege He has given you of raising an exceptional human being.
Your children will follow your lead. If you continue to ask for a healing of chromosomes - and praying that God will make Samantha be intelligent, you are setting an example of very conditional love for your other children. What if one of them had an accident and became disabled? Would you accept them as less than perfect? On some level, they must be wondering.
Pray instead that God would heal your heart. He will answer that prayer, and when He does you will see your whole family, your friends and all your acquaintances shift too. They will be released to love Samantha and accept her fully, which they can't while you are wrapped up in your own grief.
I also urge you to read Kelle Hampton's blog to hear from someone who was in your place and made a decision to love her child just as she is. http://www.kellehampton.com/2010/01/nella-cordelia-birth-story.html
I will be praying not for Samantha's healing - though I pray she will be healthy - but for yours. May God continue to richly bless you and your family as you watch her grow and see His love revealed through her.
I was going to give you a link to Kelle's blog, but I see you already have one. I would highly, highly recommend reading her - she will bouy you and her beautiful baby will give you such hope.
ReplyDeleteI will keep you in my prayers, of course! DS is not something to be ashamed of, and I personally believe that these children are the greatest of gifts. Your little Samantha is beautiful, truly, truly a great gift of God. Blessings to you and all your beautiful family.
When I cook, I will pray.
ReplyDeleteShe's beautiful! I will pray daily for your family.
ReplyDeleteDear Lord, Help this family summon the strength as a family to support each other and give courage to that thou Will be done. Provide them with what they need to love and support this beautiful little one and to grow every day in love and faith, and realization of thy goodness. Please, help them with achieving serenity in knowing this little messenger from God. As thy Will be done.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your beautiful new baby daughter!
ReplyDeleteYou will know what a tremendous gift she is, but I know right now it is so hard. Our last baby surprised us with a major disability at birth, and we too spent some weeks in the NICU, not knowing what to expect, getting grim prognoses. I couldn't eat or sleep for weeks, and lost 80 lbs baby weight and more, with no effort whatsoever. I was heartbroken, shaken to the core! And yet I always held on to God being in control of it all (not me, what a relief!). After a few months, I felt more "normal" again, but truly I was changed by this child, and much for the better! Oh, it didn't come easily, and we have had our challenges and scares over the years. She is about to turn nine, and is absolutely the joy of our family. She enjoys life and loves with such a pure love, so rare to find in our world. We celebrate everything - every milestone, every accomplishment, every sunny day! So much we took for granted with our "typical" kids. Looking back, I know we needed her, God knew we needed her. Not what we expected, or would have chosen, but what we needed. Samantha just needs you to love her as much as you possibly can, and I think the rest will fall into place. Peace, peace, peace to your mother's heart.
Here is a prayer that I use daily:
ReplyDeleteMy God, you have seen fit in the depth of your wisdom that my child should be denied abilities that children normally have.
I know that , however hidden, there is a wise providence behind this and that this providence is good.
I know, too, that a child who is less privileged is a special trust given to a mother and a father, requiring special patience and love.
So, as you have committed this trust to my husband, to me, and to our family, dear Lord, please give us the wisdom to know what to do properly for this child. Guide us that we may in all things do what is best and so act in accord with your gracious providence, which is always a providence of love.
Trudy, your Samantha is a sweetie! Please know I'll be keep you both in my prayers! May God bless you with all the comfort and peace you need during this time. Love you much!!!
ReplyDeleteI grew up with a neighbor and classmate with DS, she's now about 38 years old. She's had a good life! been a blessing to her family and siblings, and all of us who knew her. What gifts these precious ones are into the world!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I don't know what your other children looked like as newborns, but I'm thinking, look at ALL that beautiful dark hair! :-)
Praying all good for you and your family.
Samantha is just as cute as a button. She seems sooooooo sleepy after her ordeal. Hugs and best wishes to your entire family.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is SO BEAUTIFUL! :) God made her perfect just the way she is, and I know He has wonderful plans for you and your sweet family...and one day you will rejoice in this very, very special blessing. Samantha will change your life...for the better! And one day, she WILL be whole, mind and body...forever! Enjoy these fleeting newborn days...and rest in God's provision and love for you.
ReplyDeleteSamantha is a gift to you and your family... just as she is.. and you are God's gift to her. She will be a happy little girl with a truly loving family... God bless you all as you unwrap your gift... may you discover many hidden delights as she grows! Blessings, Glenys
ReplyDeleteTrudy, may your entire family be blessed through this. Father, I lift up Trudy and her family right now. I pray for Trudy's physical healing and that you would watch over her sweet, sweet baby. More than anything, I pray that you would surround their family with peace as you slowly reveal the beauty of this gift you gave them which will give them untold joys they have never before experienced. Amen.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to stop by and say CONGRATULATIONS!! She is adorable. Enjoy all those cuddles and newborn baby smell. xo
ReplyDeleteSamatha is beautiful. She and your entire family are in my prayers. In the comments, a reader suggested that it might be helpful to read the blog kellehampton.com and then read nella's birth story. I went there and truly hope that you take the time to read it. It is simply the most truthful, inspirational and beautiful thing I have ever read. It may be God's way of helping you and giving you direction, insight and courage. I truly believe that if you read this story - it may be the best thing you could do to help you and your family during this time of adjustment. May God give you strength and wisdom.
ReplyDeleteTrudy -
ReplyDeleteI also have a daughter named Samantha - now 42 and with 6 kids of her own.
Just wanted to share two photojournals I keep. The first was started a few years ago and is an ongoing collection of pictures of mom/child with Down syndrome pairs. It's called Our Little Extras: Moms Celebrate Down Syndrome https://picasaweb.google.com/115884810351466240373/OurLittleExtrasMomsCelebrateDownSyndrome?feat=embedwebsite
The other is an album devoted to my son Jonny so people could have a glimpse into the life of a child with Down syndrome: https://picasaweb.google.com/115884810351466240373/Jonny?feat=embedwebsite
Hope you like them!
Congratulations to your beautiful daughter! What a lovely addition to your family.
ReplyDeleteI had a teacher whose daughter had down syndrome and everybody talked about what a lovely person she is, and that she is the life of every party she goes to. I imagine Samantha to be the same when she grows up. And recently I read an article for people to understand down syndrome within the family (it was not only written for parents but also for others to understand that are not part of the immediate family) and it was wonderful. It helped me see that you will have challenges, but by no means will you have any less happiness watching your daughter grow and you will not have any less amount of joy experiencing family life from now on.
I was glad to read how you immediately realized that God is the one who will be able to give you and your family strength.
Just remember why Jesus performed miracles when on earth: he was showing what he is capable of and will do on a grand scale as king of God's Kingdom (yes, the one we all pray for in the "Our Father" prayer). Then, "no resident will say 'I am sick'" (Isaiah 33:24)
Do not feel guilty for feelings of shock, frustration, and the like. This is natural, you're dealing with something very unexpected and new. You seem to have a truly wonderful family, together you will be able to soon find peace and get a good grip on the new challenge.
With lots of love to you and your family,
Don't worry anymore. She is beautiful and I just went through the a similiar experience 4 months ago. It's not that scary and not that different from the other kiddos, you'll soon see! My malcolm is such a joy and your other kids are going to love him and help even more!! Please visit my blog and see Malcolm. You are being blessed beyond measure!!
ReplyDeleteHi Trudy, Samantha is just beautiful! She is a gift from God, as are all our children..she just has a little extra is all..Enjoy her, you have received some wonderful advice..
Oh my goodness Trudy!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl! I am so glad to hear that she is doing well and home with her family. She is so loved - as is evident by all of those smiles. Welcome baby Samantha - I will be thinking of you and praying for your strength, health and happiness. With much love, xoxo
Congratulations on your sweet baby girl! Your whole family looks so loving with her. I pray that the Lord watches over all of you.
ReplyDeleteHi Trudy. So sorry that I haven't been to visit your blog in so long. Samantha is such a beautiful little baby. I'm sorry you've had to go through such a hard time with her health. I know that Down Syndrome children can be some of the nicest, most affectionate, most rewarding children you could imagine. And your family seems so lovely so I'm sure you'll all cope with your new challenges. Congratulations!
I have never visited your blog before, but tonight when I did a search for sewing blogs it came up. I believe that I was meant to read your blog and offer some encouragement and prayers. Congratulations on the birth of your sweet and beautiful baby. She is precious and made in the same imgage and likeness of God as all the rest of us. She is merely another face of God-- created perfectly by Him. We all have our talents and our gifts and Samantha will have her talents and gifts as well. My prayer is for you...may your gief be quickly eased and may you accept all of your children for exactly the peopel that God created them to be. My oldest son (5 years old) has Trisomy 21 (I cannot stand the stigma that is attached to the label Down Syndrome) and we treat him as we do his younger siblings who do not to our knowledge have a disability. Teach her all of the things that you have taught your other children about responsibility, sharing, kindness, love and faith in a God who is incapable of making a mistake and loves us unconditionaly. Hug her and kiss her and sing to her and read to her every day even as an infant...show her sign language videos as early as 6 months (signingtime.com) and challenge her to live up to whatever individual potential that she has. You will be her Mama warrior when you need to fight for her rights and keep her safe and you will challenge her to crawl and walk and eat well. This will only be a hard thing in life if you make it one. Any worries you have, please just put them on God. Sweet Samantha will never be forgotten by Him and neither will you. Love your sweet baby. I am a mother of a child with Trisomy 21 and I know the worries and hardships too, but I love my sweet son dearly and I wish for you the joy that I have with him each and every day.
ReplyDeleteDear Trudy,
ReplyDeleteI left the comment above, and if any of it was offensive to you then I apologize. I went back and reread the post and then read some other posts pre-baby that you had written. You are a wonderful mother that is feeling overwhelmed by the challenge that God has presented your family with. But I also know that you have loved precious Samantha for a long time and your own words that you wrote for you post on your "Thoughts of being pregnant at 46" will prove to be just as true with Samantha. Your words inspire me to be a better mama and to think about the sweet kisses and flowers and smiles that my own babies bring to me. You will get all of that from sweet Samantha too. God bless you dear. I pray that you can get some good long sleep and peace in your heart. You are a lovely lady.
Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl! Samantha is beautiful! I'll lift you and your family up in my prayers each and every day. May God wrap his arms around you, and bless you with his peace.
ReplyDeleteTrudy, congratulations on your sweet little one! What a perfect little addition to your gorgeous family. I'm so glad that she's out of the NICU and OK. I have always thought of people with Downs Syndrome as sort of angels on earth, their innocence is so refreshing. However, I totally understand your desire for God to answer your prayers, and please know that my prayers for your family are the same. Take care, Trudy, and I hope you get some rest! :O)
ReplyDeletedear trudy-
ReplyDeletei am praying now for samantha and you also. i will continue to do so each day. she is such a beauty. i know God can heal her
ReplyDeleteSamantha is so beautiful. Very angelic - you are just compelled to want to squeeze her...lol. She is a treasure!
I am so glad Samantha is now stable. That would have been a rough time for sure. Samantha and your family are in my prayers.
I love how your children are so loving. Very sweet to see. xoxo
Nos de noticias,quero saber como voçe está querida, Deus te abençoe.Gesie,Recife Brasil
ReplyDeleteYour family is lovely, your baby beautiful.
I work with these children and the key to success is early intervention. You cannot do this alone nor are your equipped to do this alone. None of us are.
It takes a village to raise this beautiful child and if she is to attain independence and reach her potential, you must apprise yourself of the early intervention services in your community that will work with her and you to maximize her success in this world.
There is nothing more tragic than having taught a child with Down Syndrome,whose parents did not choose any out- of- home intervention. Their lives are forever jeopardized by the acquisition of less skills and socialization than their Down Syndrome peers.
Trudy, be strong, become educated, and be at peace. These are the most wonderful children to love and work with.
I am so far behind in my blog reading. I am so happy that Samantha is here and appears to be out of the woods. I am praying for the miracles you asked us to pray for. I know that God does not send us burdens we cannot bear. He knows what a loving supportive family little Samantha has, and that she will receive whatever care and love and hope she needs from you and your other children and husband. She will be a blessing to you and you to her. God has you wrapped in His arms and will comfort and support you along the way. Most down syndrome children are very happy, outgoing children. They do best when in a loving family and environment. I have taught a few children with this syndrome. You are the perfect family for her. Praying for you and the whole family.
ReplyDeleteOh she is beautiful Trudy and God has a plan - so often it is not our own - but it will be a blessing in the long run.
ReplyDeleteAs I await the birth of our little one any day now and will keep you, your family and little Samantha in my prayers.
Love, Tonya
Congratulations to your family! We will be praying for only good things for your beautiful baby girl.
ReplyDeleteOh goodness, Trudy
ReplyDeletei was just directed over here and found your post. My heart and prayers go out to you. The miracle is that she got you and your family to grow up with. Wishing you all the strength and ease of caring for such a precious baby.
xoxo Kim
Hugs and prayers, Trudy. Samantha is beautiful. A precious blessing from God.
ReplyDeleteRuth (sewchic)
Dear Trudy, Thank you for this wonderful, honest post about Samantha. The family photos are aptly beautiful & shows the love that bounds your family. Take care. Wishing you hugs & love all the way across oceans & desserts!
ReplyDeleteHi Trudy,
ReplyDeleteI will be praying for you Samantha, and your entire family.
Hi Trudy.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad she is out of the hospital and doing well. I have been praying for her! She is such a beautiful baby and as much as you want God to "fix" her chromosomes, know that he gave her to you for a reason...that reason is because you and your family is the perfect home for her to be in. She will thrive on so much love! Be thankful for your beautiful girl and she will be the one to hold the biggest place in your heart.
Hugs to you!
Been checking back for more pictures,
ReplyDeletehope you are are all doing well.
I'm going to leave this as an anonymous comment, but you have been to my blog before. Glad you are both doing well Trudy, I've been praying for you and will continue to pray, mainly for peace in your heart and in the heart of all of your family members, but also that God may too do a miracle of healing if that is His will. I think Samantha is very blessed to have been born into a family who will give her all of the love and advantages she needs to thrive with her disability, for that will make all of the difference in the quality of her life. Who knows what blessings you may receive as the result of her birth? I look forward to reading your blog in the future because I know He will richly bless all of you.
ReplyDeleteI've never had a child and desperately want one, and I am now at the end of my childbearing years. I too have to resign myself to the will of God, but also hope for a miracle at the same time. Please pray for me, as I will pray for you.
Thank you, everyone, for all of your encouraging words and your prayers. It means so much knowing that you care enough to take the time to leave a comment and to pray for us.
ReplyDeleteAnd to Anonymous from September 12, Yes, I will pray for you as well. I can't even begin to imagine how heartbreaking it must be to not be able to have children. I am so sorry that you have not been able to, but I do hope and pray that God blesses you with one or more children. And thank you for your prayers, too.
nos de noticias e fotos e um Deus te abençoe.Querida. Gesie.Recife Brasil.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful family. My first was in the NICU too and was diagnosed years later as having autism. I grieved then and I grieve a little each time there is a new challenge but then he and life move so fast we are onto other things. There is so much to take in right now. Please be sure to be compassionate to yourself and love yourself! Life is full of adventure, challenges, sadness, and joy. I am sure all will be well with you, Samantha and your family.
ReplyDeleteI know everything is coming at you at once right now, but if you have any questions or anything, please feel free to contact me (angelashenk@comcast.net).
Much love to your sweet family and especially to you and your beautiful Samantha.
What a sweet adorable little girl. She is truly special. I am a mother of a special needs child. He has fragile x syndrome. His x chromosome is messed up. Anyway, he has been an absolute joy to my life. He has taught me so much. If there was a pill to take to take it away, I am not sure I would because of the great blessings and knowledge that this situation has given me. I pray that God will speak peace to your heart and help you through this journey.
ReplyDeleteWelcome To Holland
Emily Perl Kingsley
I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......
When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.
After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.
The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.
So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
It’s just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.
But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."
And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.
* * *
©1987 by Emily Perl Kingsley. author.
Are you doing ok Trudy? Haven't heard from you and you are very missed.
ReplyDeleteSuch beautiful children you have. :) Your youngest daughter makes me miss the smell and touch of a newborn.
ReplyDeleteHope everyone in the family is still doing well.
Hi! Long-time follower here (and a month behind in my feed reader). You've probably gotten a ton of "here's my story" comments, but in case you want another one: my sister-in-law's baby sister (age 20) has down syndrome. Such a delightful person. Goes to a normal high school (has a few special classes, is all, I think), and was actually voted homecoming queen! She's got three part-time jobs, is a fabulous volunteer for big-brothers-big-sisters type things, etc. She'd be an excellent candidate for independent or semi-independent living later on. The basic issues - trusts everyone, so not fully equipped for independence in this world - but other than that, she's a blast and causes hardly any worries at all. And so friendly and sunny...
ReplyDeleteStopping by from Java's Over 40 and glad I'm here. Saying a prayer for you and your family and your new little one. The Lord knows the love that you and your family has to offer your little one. He knows what you can handle and what you pray for. Gonna read a bit more and see what's happening.
ReplyDeleteTake care and God Bless!!
I have stopped by your blog to let you know you are thought about quite often. I hope all are adjusting well to your new baby and that she is a delight to your family. Praying for your daily comfort.
ReplyDeleteDear Trudy, I am still thinking of you daily and hoping that things are going well for you. I'm looking forward to another update on your blog when you get the time, although of course I understand completely that you must be extremely busy in these early months of Samantha's life.
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone in your beautiful family?
Thank you so much for your recent kind comment, it means such a lot to me that you are still visiting my blog... take care, and love from,
I hope you be back to your blog soon.
ReplyDeletebest wishes
ReplyDeleteGod bought her into your life just the way she is for a reason and he knows you can handle it. She is perfect and will bring you so many wonderful joys. I hope you have accepted the perfection in imperfection and value the lessons you will learn on the journey. I am praying for her health and I know that the love of her family will see her through as it will you all. She is obviously being watched over closely and is part of the grand plan none of us will ever truly understand.
When you are up to it, I also recommend reading http://www.kellehampton.com/2010/01/nella-cordelia-birth-story.html but it is a very emotional read but I hope you will realise if you haven't already that you are not alone in your journey.
The baby is adorable hunnie....hope you are both doing well now:)
ReplyDeleteEnter my FAB Forever 21 Giveaway!!
Hmmm, I have never seen this problem on blogger before. Please remind me when I see you and we can look at it. Otherwise, try uploading different pictures different ways and see if it makes a difference, like from picassa, directly uploading from your computer or using just a url from another blog. Then see if that makes any difference. Try also going into blogger and trying to upload a missing photo with the same photo again and see what happens. This is where I would start.
ReplyDeletecompreendo perfeitamente seu desespero no primeiro momento, mas depois voce ira amar tanto a pequena samantha que ira ver que ela é perfeita pra voce,conheço muitos dow inteleigentes e gentis com um sorriso sem igual, Deus abençoe sua familia.
I am a new follower who found you on Cedar Hill Ranch blog. I read your bio and was very touched. Your newest family addition is beautiful. I have a 21 year old daughter who has had special needs all her life. We never paid much attention to all the labels the professionals put on her. We believed and still do that God has a plan for Brittany. I too am a homeschooling. My heart goes out to you and I will pray for your sweet daughter and your family. Many blessings on you all.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful baby girl to add to your already beautiful family. God bless all of you.
ReplyDeleteI am visiting from Anita's blog (Cedar Hill Ranch)
Congratulations on your sweet bundle of joy, she is beautiful. You have a lovely family.
Blessing to y'all.
(From another Texas gal)
Hello Trudy,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog via "emadethis.blogspot.com" - - I sew, and I home school as well, and I am a Christian. I wanted to encourage you that yes, I too will be praying for your little Samantha's healing. But yes, she is even now a beautiful treasure! I enjoyed your video of her, her gentle baby "voice." She's like a little rose. God bless you, and thank you as well for your lovely blog -beautiful, inspiring; and for your faith - a testimony also as beautiful as a rose.
In our Lord Jesus,
I've been out of the blog world lately that I had no idea you were also pregnant. Congratulations on your new baby girl! I hope Samantha will be strong and healthy. All babies are a blessing and Samantha is a darling.
ReplyDeleteTrudy, I doubt you will see this, since I'm commenting months after your post. But I just read this today, and it was word for word so very similar to my own experience with my son.
ReplyDeleteI will be praying for you and Samantha, because so many people have prayed for me & my boy Daron, and God truly answered. I was 41 when I had him, and he is now almost 15 years old!
Your family will be blessed in ways you can't imagine through this journey.
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ReplyDeleteDear Trudy,
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine all that you and your family have experienced over the last while. Having a child with special needs is a blessing. These children are given to us, specifically because God knows we need them. Sure, we will love, nurture, feed, clothe, house these children for many years, but it the end, it is us who needed them. They teach us lessons no other child could teach. They teach us to feel all our emotions, but not to let them rule us.
Samantha is a very special child, given to you as a gift from our Heavenly Father. She is a very special spirit daughter of God. So special in fact, that he had her spirit put into a body that was not perfect. Why? Because in an imperfect body, she is less likely to be under Satan's attack. She will be protected more by those around her. She will not be subject to the temptations of this world, the way you or I (or anyone else for that matter) would be.
I will pray for you. For peace, for a lessening of your mourning. Yes, you mourn the loss of all the "traditional" hopes and dreams a parent has for their child, but there are so many other hopes and dreams that will be new to you, please treasure these. I will also pray that God's will be done. If it is in his plan to change her, he will. If it is not, he won't. I know that must be very hard for you to hear.
From an special education point of view - I am an Education Assistan and I have worked with hundreds of children with special need over the years - do not treat her any differently. Make her do little chores, tidy up after herself, be your "helper". She must not be treated like a helpless individual. For all that she accomplishes, she will gain self-confidence and she will want to try new things, and to succeed. Please take her swimming - lots. There is a lot of information showing that DS children who swim, are more likely to talk and have a greater vocabulary. Make sure she gets LOTS of exercise. She will need it to help her muscles develop properly. And most of all, LOVE her! You cannot ever give a child too much love, and you will be surprised to see how much love you get back!
You are truly blessed. Please look at all the wonderful new experiences you will have with this child, you didn't get with your other children. Only prayer, time and the effort you put into teaching will determine her level of ability. She could be high functioning enough to have a job, get married, and even have children of her own. It is possible. But no matter what the end result, please always remember, she is a precious gift.
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